Graduate Center - LMU

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Doctoral Programs

LMU Munich offers a broad range of doctoral programs as well as some umbrella structures. In addition, the university cooperates with other institutions on a doctoral level.

For further information on the academic focus of a doctoral program as well as the application procedures and closing dates, please refer to the website of the specific program. If you have any questions on a specific program, please contact the coordinator / managing director of the respective program directly.

As an alternative to participating in a doctoral program, LMU Munich offers graduates the option to complete individual doctoral studies in more than 100 subjects. Doctoral candidates are also supervised within the framework of research projects, academic institutions and research networks.

Humanities and Cultural Studies


Social Sciences and Economics


Natural Sciences and Medicine


Umbrella Structures and Networks


International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS) in which LMU Munich participates


Max Planck Schools in which LMU Munich participates


Helmholtz Graduate School in which LMU Munich participates

Munich School for Data Science in which LMU Munich participates

    ENB Doctorate Program in which LMU Munich participates

    BayWISS-Verbundkollegs in which LMU Munich participates

    Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN) in which LMU Munich participates