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LMU Doctoral Research Training I - Funding for Events

Within the framework of "DRT I", events for doctoral candidates can be funded.

Around 70 events have been funded in the past years, spanning a wide range of formats from small workshops over larger symposia to dapartment-wide events.

The aim of the program is to create an opportunity for doctoral candidates to present their own research to an audience, to exchange ideas and expertise with peers or advanced researchers, to initiate longterm cooperations and networks, as well as to promote skills in event management.

The initiative for a proposal can come either from doctoral candidates or from professors. To submit an application, the commitment of a professor is obligatory.

Precondition for the application is a preliminary consultation by the GraduateCenterLMU. Applicants are requested to contact the GraduateCenterLMU at least three weeks before the deadline.

Deadline: October 1, 2024 (next deadline probably February 1, 2025)

Application guidelines 

Contact: Veronika Krönert