Graduate Center - LMU

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Advanced Medical Physics for Image-Guided Cancer Therapy

DFG: Research Training Group 2274

Cancer is a major societal challenge, where the combination of novel imaging and computational techniques with advanced therapeutic strategies is key to early diagnosis, exact tumour characterization and successful treatment.
The goal of RTG 2274 is to promote junior scientists from natural sciences and medicine in this rapidly growing field of medical physics. It covers basic, translational and clinical research, building upon a long tradition of excellence in biomedical research in Munich.
The multi- and interdisciplinary research program touches upon innovative areas of computing, imaging and therapy, addressed in synergistic doctoral projects with the common goal to advance image-guided cancer therapy. The original qualification concept features a broad spectrum of compulsory and eligible training activities, to ensure not only academic excellence and scientific independence, but also the development of fundamental personal effectiveness.
RTG 2274 thus provides an ideal platform to promote innovations in oncology with a potentially high societal impact and to form the next generation of scientists with excellent career prospects in academia, clinic and industry. The RTG 2274 is a joint initiative by scientists from LMU Munich, Technische Universität München and Helmholtz Zentrum München.
